
Every second year, the Nordic Adoption Council (NAC) holds Nordic meetings and an open day conference, which is open to anyone who is interested in the field of intercountry adoptions. This year the conference was arranged by the Icelandic Adoption Society in Reykjavik, Iceland, on September 15-16, 2023. The theme of the open day conference was"Adoption - a lifelong process” with a focus on approaching adoption as a continuing process throughout life and highlighting the importance of viewing this process from multiple angles.
Here is the statement from the conference

The Nordic Adoption Council (NAC) is an association of adoption organizations in the Nordic Countries (see map), that was formally established in 1995. The purpose of the NAC is to achieve, through co-operation between the member organizations, good conditions in the Nordic countries for intercountry adoption and good conditions in which the adopted children can grow up.